Monday, January 14, 2008

Stubborn as a mule. Too bad.

I had a conversation today that was frustrating in some ways. I'm becoming increasingly resistant to the thought of getting a job at a small C college on the other side of the coast from where I am. It's supposed to be a really beautiful place, but also really really expensive. The biggest issue I have with the place is that it's a C college. I don't know why I'm so resistant but I really am, and I'm beginning to be really resentful when people who wouldn't want to teach there either try to convince me that it could be amazing and wonderful. I don't resent the person, I resent his or her actions. When I am stubborn like this, and when my decision does not affect your life, just let me be. You win nothing by badgering me.

People can think what they want, and they can think I'm "not teachable" but this is how I feel about it. This is my life, and I think I know my field better than those who are not in it, and I know what life might be like and what it might take to do the work I want to do at this point. If they teach at a C college or are even LOOKING and THINKING seriously about moving to a C institution, then I will listen. But if they are at a non-C institution and are NOT considering making the move to a C-institution but think it's so great that I have the opportunity even if my desires do not in any way lie in that direction . . . I just don't get it. I know exactly how I feel about this.

I'm going to the interview for three reasons:

1) It's good practice regardless of how things turn out.
2) It is a sign of respect to the institution that invited me.
3) It will help me develop professional relationships.

The fourth, most popular reason to go (which obviously I hope to God will not happen even though I acknowledge its possibility): "Oh, but it might be amazing and you would really love it!"

The thought of teaching at a C college now makes me incredibly nervous and uncomfortable. I started out thinking I'd give it a chance. After the Chicago interview, even though I really respected and liked the search committee, I didn't think that I wanted the job. The more I think about it, the more resistant I am.

I would only go out of a sense of guilt, i.e., I should go to a C college because that's what a good C would do.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Dont be resentful! Like you listed, go for the practice and relationship-building. but remember, go with an open mind.
    is C= california? :P
    ps: interviewers can tell whether the candidate is interested or not..
    God bless and enjoy!

  2. You'll be fine whatever you decide.

    Just remember that you will have to eventually get a job since you have no rich uncle to support you! :-)

  3. i do have rich uncles! they won't be supporting me though. that's not how our family works. :)

    wouldn't mind a nice rich husband though. then i won't have to work.

    i think i'll be fine about getting a job a year from now.

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It's a free trip, albeit stressful one. Enjoy it if possible! Interviewing experience counts so much in getting any job.
