Sunday, January 21, 2007

more drugs

Despite drowning myself in chicken soup, throwing back echinacea and vitamin C pills, the inevitable cold became, well, inevitable. Fortunately, a friend recommended Zicam, and it's a MIRACLE drug!!

Yesterday, my nose started getting a teeny bit congested, and my throat had the faint beginnings of scratchiness so I started using the nasal gel, and usually by today I'm prostrate in bed coughing my lungs out. But now, I think I may actually get back to work on my dissertation!

I'm still taking it easy and skipping badminton/work-out sessions, but the fact that I can actually walk around or sit at my desk . . . it's a MIRACLE! I'm really psyched about this because I have to go down to Connecticut this weekend for a badminton tournament, and if I spend the entire week sniffling, coughing, and sleeping, I'd be no better than a rubber doll on court. And my doubles and mixed-doubles partners will kill me.

I should warn you though, that some people have experienced adverse reactions to Zicam and have lost their sense of smell, but I suspect it's because they didn't use the product carefully enough. So if you're planning on trying out Zicam (and you should!), read the instructions VERY VERY CAREFULLY.

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of Zicam... I'll have to remember that... I usually take that Airborne stuff when I first start to feel run down and it usually picks me up...
