Despite drowning myself in chicken soup, throwing back echinacea and vitamin C pills, the inevitable cold became, well, inevitable. Fortunately, a friend recommended Zicam, and it's a MIRACLE drug!!
Yesterday, my nose started getting a teeny bit congested, and my throat had the faint beginnings of scratchiness so I started using the nasal gel, and usually by today I'm prostrate in bed coughing my lungs out. But now, I think I may actually get back to work on my dissertation!
I'm still taking it easy and skipping badminton/work-out sessions, but the fact that I can actually walk around or sit at my desk . . . it's a MIRACLE! I'm really psyched about this because I have to go down to Connecticut this weekend for a badminton tournament, and if I spend the entire week sniffling, coughing, and sleeping, I'd be no better than a rubber doll on court. And my doubles and mixed-doubles partners will kill me.
I should warn you though, that some people have experienced adverse reactions to Zicam and have lost their sense of smell, but I suspect it's because they didn't use the product carefully enough. So if you're planning on trying out Zicam (and you should!), read the instructions VERY VERY CAREFULLY.
Never heard of Zicam... I'll have to remember that... I usually take that Airborne stuff when I first start to feel run down and it usually picks me up...